Elections today in Midsomer : Voters get to chose a West of England Mayor

By Susie Watkins 6th May 2021

Voting is on today in Midsomer, where electors can take part in deciding who will be next West of England Mayor - one of 13 directly-elected mayors across the UK.

What are the West of England metro mayor candidates' pledges and policies? This from Local Democracy's Adam Postans.

The West of England metro mayor has devolved powers over the strategic development of housing and planning, transport, and business, skills and economic recovery.

Here we've pulled together the main pledges and policies from the manifestos of the four candidates hoping to succeed Conservative Tim Bowles as the head of the region's combined authority, Weca, at the polls on Thursday (May 6).

They are Stephen Williams (Lib Dem), Jerome Thomas (Green), Dan Norris (Labour) and Samuel Williams (Conservative).


Stephen Williams:

Create a West of England Homes social enterprise to build new climate friendly homes for sale and private rental, with the surplus to be invested in homes for social rent. Community shares could be issued to raise more capital.

Plan housing and transport hand-in-hand, only releasing land for development once the sustainable transport infrastructure is in place to support it.

Ensure developers make it as easy as possible for pedestrians and cyclists to get around their developments and out onto the wider network and provide secure bike storage for every family.

Ensure new developments include plans for biodiverse green and blue spaces, nature corridors within and between developments, and recreation areas with biodiverse wild space.

Secure from government the devolved power to reintroduce the Zero Carbon Homes standards, legislated for in the Infrastructure Act 2015 by Stephen when a minister. This would include the "allowable solutions" for house builders to finance off site projects that reduce the carbon footprint of housing, retrofitting older homes with energy efficiency measures being the top priority.

Facilitate community led housing, working with the Bristol Community Land Trust to build homes for sale or rent where the underlying land value is held by or via a trust. This approach could be of particular benefit to smaller towns and the many villages of the West of England, enabling local young people or local people on below average incomes to stay in their home town or village.

Seek the power to permit our three local authorities to Introduce licensing for "Airbnb" and other short term lets to ensure tenant safety and enable enforcement action if they cause disturbance to neighbours.

Jerome Thomas:

Use the purchase powers of the metro mayor to purchase land and unused properties for the building of homes.

Prioritise building on brownfield sites, leaving as much green space as possible for wildlife and woodland.

Work with local authorities to introduce landlord licensing across the region to ensure acceptable standards of rental accommodation and a level playing field for all landlords.

Promote the development of community-led housing with a range of housing types and construction methods to meet local needs at lower cost than the volume house builders.

Work with government to secure funding and improve the funding model for home energy efficiency improvements.

Provide a rebate to homeowners on the VAT element of specific energy efficiency improvements such as the installation of solar panels.

Pioneer community home efficiency schemes such as deep retrofits of whole streets.

Dan Norris:

Create truly liveable towns and cities with high quality and zero carbon design; walkable access to outdoor green space and local public services; convenient public transport and walking and cycling links, with less focus on motorway development; home and town design suitable for elderly people and disabled people so they can lead independent lives; and a firm requirement for 35 per cent of all new homes to be genuinely affordable.

Intervene directly in housebuilding by doubling the current spending plans to £80million and working with council-owned housing companies, housing associations, and communities to pool skills, resources and land to maximise the delivery of genuinely affordable homes.

Commission an Older People's Housing Strategy that will establish the needs of our ageing population over the next 30 years.

Establish a Retrofit Accelerator programme.

Create a Homelessness Taskforce.

Samuel Williams:

Give residents a say prioritising community-led housing projects wherever possible.

Ensure locality is always at the forefront of these new 'liveable neighbourhoods' meaning we can live, work and shop without having to travel significant distances.

Prioritise the regeneration of brownfield sites, making the most of our underused spaces.

Invest in Modern Methods of Development, low carbon construction and sustainable technologies both for new and to retrofit current properties.

Work closely with government to unlock investment so that we can become a leading light in a sustainable future.

Work closely with the Next Steps Accommodation Programme.

Commit to more than £40million dedicated to speed up building and meet the needs of all our communities.


Stephen Williams:

Take control of our buses by using the power to franchise all routes, leading to new services linking towns and villages, regulated fares and non-polluting buses, using franchising powers to oblige bus operators to provide new orbital services linking city suburbs and more services for villages. Service standards will be set covering timetables, fares and modes of clean propulsion.

Seek from government the power to introduce a workplace parking levy. The net proceeds would be invested in public transport.

Park and ride bus sites will be converted to multimodal "arrive and choose" transport hubs. They will have electric vehicle charging services, secure and dry bicycle parking and hire facilities for electric bikes and scooters.

Agree with the Welsh Government and England Department for Transport a new hydrogen train service between Cardiff and Bath, a first for the British Isles.

General presumption against new roads, including ceasing all work on plans for a new road south of Bristol via Whitchurch and opposing the conversion of the disused rail path through Brislington into a new road.

Appoint a Cyclists' Champion and a Walkers' Champion.

Expedite the opening of stations on existing passenger lines at Ashley Down, Charfield, Portway and Saltford and agree with Network Rail a more urgent timescale for new stations at Long Ashton, St Annes and Winterbourne.

Aim for a car club EV point in every street of over 50 houses in urban areas and at least one per village in rural areas.

Oppose proposed expansion of Bristol Airport. Build a light rail or tram link from Bristol Temple Meads to Bristol Airport.

Jerome Thomas:

Support North Somerset Council's decision to oppose the expansion of Bristol airport.

Work with local authorities to introduce employer parking levies for large businesses to generate revenue to improve public transport and walking and cycling infrastructure.

Invest in the longer term transport solutions for the region including local rail and the potential development of trams.

Increase funding of pedestrian crossings and traffic calming, especially near schools.

Appoint an active travel 'mayor'.

Oppose the expensive and polluting link road in South Bristol.

Improve bus services through enhanced partnerships with bus companies, including community transport services.

Reduce bus fares for children and young people under 21 and subsidise services in rural areas.

Provide lamppost electrc vehicle charging points, bike storage hangars on residential streets and support car clubs.

Dan Norris:

Create a transport system for the 21st century, with green and reliable buses, trains, and walking and cycling options to connect our region.

Guide the emergency provision of public transport given the challenges of the pandemic, such as ensuring all buses have adequate safety measures and key routes are served.

Review existing transport provisions across the region, developing a long term strategy for transport investment alongside a plan to deliver on promises made.

Start a wide-scale transformation of our public transport network, investigating options such as mass transit and bus franchising.

Implement smart ticketing, with simple tap-in-tap-out payments, and effective advertising of cheapest fares and routes.

Better control of ticket prices and timetables.

A proper plan for improving rural transport services, exploring the potential of on-demand services in providing evening and Sunday coverage.

Coordinate improvements to our rail services, including reviewing the frequency of proposed MetroWest train services, supporting the reopening of the Portishead line and upgrading Temple Meads station.

Tackle hate crime on our buses and trains.

Oppose the expansion of Bristol Airport.

Samuel Williams:

Launch a thorough, 'no holds barred' investigation into the future of transport.

Introduce a digitally enabled and integrated transport network, meaning that for the first time all of us can cut through the confusion of bus times and rail timetables.

Launch new 'on-demand' services.

Commit to mix mode highway improvements that ensure our rural and sub-rural communities are connected to services.

As part of the MetroWest rail network, deliver at least six new railway stations in Avonmouth, Ashley Down, Charfield, Henbury, North Filton and Portishead. This will bring 'turn-up and go' services to people across the West of England, bring 80,000 more individuals closer to the railway network and create more than one-million extra journeys, whilst cutting congestion and helping residents get to decent, well paid jobs.

Deliver a network of electric bikes, complemented by a new and innovative docking system.

Jobs, recovery and economy

Stephen Williams:

Create a West of England Investment Fund (WoEIF) with an initial value of £100million from the British Business Bank, to invest in local innovative businesses.

It would complement the activities of the emerging Avon Mutual, an independent proposal for the first new regionally focused financial institution in a century. Subject to thorough due diligence, favour the combined authority becoming a founder investor, using the return to support the WoEIF.

Explore the possibility of the Avon Pension Fund and other regional pension funds becoming partner investors in Weca promoted schemes.

Give particular attention to the sectors damaged most by recent economic shocks – aerospace, culture, tourism and hospitality.

Decarbonise the West of England economy, becoming the lead region for clean energy, from a combination of solar, wind and hydro power.

Create thousands of skilled jobs through retrofitting homes with the insulation, glazing and cleaner power sources.

Provide new construction and engineering jobs by decarbonising our local transport network. Use land use planning powers to set aside space for Small Business Zones for start-ups and social enterprises.

Seek from government the extra powers needed to levy an overnight visitor and tourist levy, charged on hotel bedrooms, all small bed and breakfast providers and including Airbnb houses. Net proceeds reinvested in the visitor economy, for instance museums, public toilets, signage and street cleaning.

Seek from government the power and resources to run a regional trial of Universal Basic Income.

Jerome Thomas:

Free up £1billion of regional funds for local investment in green jobs and new industries working with the £4.5billion Avon Pension Fund and selected partners to provide resources.

Increase the number of good quality apprenticeships and routes to employment for young people and others, including those with caring responsibilities.

Explore the potential for a clean growth vocational training hub and online training.

Ensure that small and medium sized businesses are better represented in the Local Economic Partnership.

Work with the newly merged Visit Bath and Destination Bristol to develop an innovative green tourism offer for the West of England.

Work with local business organisations to identify waste reduction and circular economy opportunities in the region.

Provide financial support for green businesses to help the development of a greener economy.

Dan Norris:

Be a jobs first Metro Mayor, boosting our economy by holding a Jobs Summit in first 100 days in office, creating 23,000 new green jobs, and promoting West of England enterprise nationally and internationally.

Call for national work programmes to be devolved.

Use the Green Recovery Fund to invest in programmes that generate local jobs.

Work with local government, national government, and trade unions to establish an effective living and minimum wage enforcement programme for the West of England.

Create a West of England Employer Charter outlining standards for good businesses.

Double the West of England Covid-19 Recovery Fund to £20million to build resilience, promote local business, and tackle inequality.

Set up a Cooperative Support Agency, to support and coordinate training for cooperative and community run enterprises.

Use mayoral resources to support childcare providers and invest in childcare infrastructure. Introduce a Culture Covenant, locking in a minimum of 10 per cent of the combined authority Investment Fund revenue to support the tourist and culture sector.

Support local proposals to help high streets, recognising that each high street is unique.

Commission a review into digital connectivity in the West of England, identifying areas with poor internet coverage and creating a plan for rapid broadband rollout.

Samuel Williams:

Launch the Collaborative Future Business programme.

Deepen links with the Western Gateway, and work tirelessly to secure a sizable slice of the Conservative Government's unprecedented regional investment initiatives.

Launch the Building a Brighter World Innovation Award to reward and encourage trailblazing innovation.

Deliver the Rapid Redundancy Response Service and Talent Retention Scheme to ensure that if businesses are forced to make redundancies, we can retain skills and talent in the region.

Deliver more than £100million of targeted support for businesses and skills over the next four years to foster long-term sustainable growth and recovery.

Ensure our economic growth is fair and just by 'Leading to level-up' by boosting business growth programmes and funding through further supporting the Business Growth Hub.

Build stronger community engagement through pioneering Community Ambassadors so our multi-million pound investment in our region's growth is open to and benefits us all.

Commit to the Workforce For The Future programme, which will ensure that people and businesses are fully equipped with the tools and skills they need.

Drive forward our Future Bright initiative. This will allow those whose jobs have been affected by the pandemic and those looking for work to receive bespoke advice and support to develop their skills, increase their income and enhance their career prospects.

Ensure a careers and enterprise adviser is available to every school in the region.

Ensure adults with special educational needs or disabilities are supported to access the jobs they desire.

Climate change/environment

Stephen Williams:

Create a West of England Centre of Excellence for Green Technology bringing together the region's leading innovators to develop new products and services, making the region the national leader in green jobs.

Drive forward a massive programme of tree planting with all new developments to include a range of native trees and enabling all local communities to get involved in local tree planting.

Identify more points on the Avon suitable for hydro power and find an operator and work with the Welsh Government to harness the power of the Severn.

Agree a 2030 target for local clean energy use, measured against locally produced clean energy and customers switching to clean energy tariffs.

By 2030 identify roughly a third of urban area and nature corridors that can support local wildlife and biodiversity.

Work with the grid provider to make sure we can get the huge uplift needed in electric vehicle charging provision and also to facilitate local energy production.

Set up a West of England Solar Together scheme, to get economies of scale for households installing photo-voltaic panels.

Work with the Environment Agency and the water companies to make all of our rivers and streams clean by 2030.

Set a target with the local authorities to reduce household waste sent to landfill to below 10 per cent by 2030.

Jerome Thomas:

Make the air across the region clean and healthy, aiming beyond the minimum legal standards.

Create a Regional Food Strategy to support producers and community projects supplying local food and to increase overall production into the future.

Double our woodland and plant a million native trees, to improve flood drainage, capture carbon from the atmosphere and provide habitats for wildlife.

Develop more green and wildlife spaces including wildlife corridors to allow animals to move about freely, working with the West of England Nature Partnership.

Ensure all our water catchments are healthy for wildlife, meeting 2027 clean water targets set by the Water Framework Directive.

Enable access to affordable, high quality food in all areas, with children and young people as a top priority, through investing in the success of local food projects including community-led initiatives such as food clubs and village shops.

Cover 100,000 roofs with solar panels, in partnership with energy companies and local funders.

Identify sites in the region for renewable energy generation and support renewable energy generation projects on those sites.

Provide financial support for businesses seeking to put in place environmental management systems for the first time.

Dan Norris:

Tackle the climate emergency and protect nature by creating a £20million Green Recovery Fund, backing local producers while cutting food miles with an Eat Local campaign, and making the West of England the UK's Bee Capital.

The Green Recovery Fund will focus on retrofitting houses, tree planting, improve the ease of walking and cycling, deliver more electric car charging points, improve flood and drought defences and invest in solar farms and community energy.

Protect the right to roam and access to green space by investing in public footpath upkeep and signage and ensure public transport connects those looking to get out to our countryside.

Use housing and transport powers to encourage a shift to zero-emission technologies.

Explore the potential of Clean Air Zones, taking targeted and unified action to improve air quality.

Use all possible opportunities to discourage blood sports.

Promote our West of England farmers and make their case to protect British farming from being undercut in future trade deals.

Samuel Williams:

Strengthen Weca's commitment to a green, just and affordable transition through a renewed and dedicated commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, including everything from strategy to planning, transport and infrastructure preferences and planning.

Support initiatives such as the STEP Fusion bid, creating green energy for our region, as well as supporting initiatives to utilise tidal energy.

Prioritise brownfield regeneration, safeguarding our green spaces.

Prioritise low-carbon and nature-friendly building.

Launch the Build a Brighter World Award that will incentivise innovations such as low carbon technologies and modern methods of construction.

Support a programme of retrofitting our buildings.

Support tree planting and linear parks creating green corridors through our urban and rural areas utilising our walking and cycle routes.


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